Start Building your custom stack today

Choose from Gold filled, Rose gold filled or Sterling silver and don't forget the charms!

Forever linked
Permanent Jewelry
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You’ll select the chain and any gemstones you want for your bracelet, necklace, or anklet

We’ll measure it so that it fits exactly how you want it

We use a tiny welder to weld the jewelry together so that it’s one endless piece

Host your own Forever Jewelry pop up!
Are you a business in the greater the Yakima Valley? We'd love to partner up and come to you for a pop up event! Let's support each other! Send us an email at and let's get planning.

Our forever jewelry allows you to design your own piece of jewelry by selecting chain and gemstone charms. They will then be welded together creating a beautiful seamless piece of jewelry you can wear every day for years! Permanent jewelry is a fun way to celebrate a milestone, get matching best friend or partner jewelry, or treat yo’ self!
Limited time!
Summer Chains


Forever jewelry also known as permanent jewelry, infinity jewelry, and welded jewelry is a type of jewelry that uses a small welder to weld two ends of a chain together to create an ininfite piece of jewelry. There is no clasp attached so you cannot take it off except with scissors or by pulling the jewelry off.

Yes! Your jewelry is waterproof so you can wear it 24/7. If you hop in the pool or ocean be sure to give your jewelry a good rinse in soapy water afterwards.

Years! It depends on the chain you chose and your lifestyle, but our jewelry can last a lifetime.

For saftey reasons your jewelry is not unbreakable. If you really wanted to break it off you can thus with a lot of wear and tear your jewelry may break.

Gold filled - a more economical choice while still lasting our gold fill chain will stay gold for 5-10 years and then will slowly fade. It's still waterproof, tarnish resistant, and won't turn your skin green. We offer our chunkier sparkle chain and curb chain in gold fill.

Sterling Silver - for all you silver lovers out there we had to include you! Our sterling silver chain is economical and sparkly. Like all sterling silver it does tarnish over time (darken), but is waterproof and won't turn skin green. We offer our cable, flora, drawn, sparkle, and curb chain in sterling silver.

No appointment is needed for permanent jewelry in our shop or at any pop ups, unless otherwise stated. We do recommend appts if you are coming with a friend

Nope! The welder we use is painless and heat free. The welder will never touch your skin, but in the off change it does it won’t hurt you since it only works on metal. You’ll see a flash of light and then it’s over.